Saturday, May 4, 2013

Worship Club

I had a conversation the other day with a close relative about her recent visit to Church. It was an important event since she is a hesitant seeker – curious but very cautious. The wounds from past religious bludgeoning haven’t completely healed.

Although her recent experience of Church wasn’t traumatic, it wasn’t particularly uplifting either. She was good natured about it, making jokes about the one hour and forty minute service. My heart sank as she described the beautiful and elaborate ritual that she was unable to decipher. Apparently no one in that large gathering was willing to serve as guide or translator. No one was available to say: “Don’t worry - everyone is a little overwhelmed at first”. She was left to navigate that unfamiliar territory on her own.

I told her how sorry I was that her experience had not been more positive. She laughed and brushed the apology aside. “It’s OK”, she said. “It’s their club”. That was a painful and prophetic message.